A physical examination is an evaluation of the body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers), and auscultation (listening).
This is done on a yearly interval to ensure an employee continues to be physically fit for his present job.
An APE is considered a major preventive program emphasizing on promoting health, detecting illness at the earliest stage, and determining present health status as a follow-up to previous medical results or findings.
Our advantages:
- Tailor fitted according to client’s requirement
- Pre-APE / Pre-ACU conference
- Date setting
- Client’s and provider’s requirements (package inclusions, reports, equipment, specimen containers, permits, contact persons, etc.)
- Ocular inspection of venue
- Delivered through “best-in-class” service and equipment
- Mobile (on-site)
- Clinic Based (off-site)
- Fast turn-around in delivery of results and evaluation
Our Deliverables:
- APE Result per Employee
- APE Summary and Profiling
- Delivered within a minimum of 10 working days to max of 15 working days from completion of APE:
- Results Summary
- Statistical Information
- Includes Graphical Profiling:
- Findings and Recommendations
- Suggested Wellness Programs
- Compliance and Demographic Data
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